Our work - Proven solutions for real-world problems.

We believe in efficiency and maximizing our resources to provide the best value to our clients. With that in mind, we’ve developed a set of tools and processes that allow us to deliver high-quality work in record time.

Case studies


Web Application development

Secure Your Financial Future with FundsInn

FundsInn is a fintech company where you can invest and manage your investment podtfolio

our collaborative efforts with Chandar and the FundsInn team aimed to transform the project from a challenging monolith into a more maintainable, scalable, and user-friendly system. By separating the front-end and backend and embracing the latest Rails technology, we set out on a path to deliver a more robust and enjoyable experience for FundsInn users while simplifying ongoing development and maintenance efforts.


Application development

A multi channel email and WhatsApp marketing platform

CampaignHQ is a multi channel marketing platform helping business to use email and WhatsApp as channel at affordable price.

We developed the whole platform from scratch with marketing website and application with AWS infrastructure setup.

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  • India
    Salarpuria Cadenza, Hosur main road
    Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, 560068
    Contact: +91 87628 42688